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Giulia Cauti is a costume designer and stylist. 
She holds a Visual Arts Master Degree in Costume Design at the Royal Academy of Arts of Antwerp, Belgium, and a bachelor degree in Fashion Design at the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York City, USA.
She has lived and worked in USA, Brazil and Italy and has experience in working for an array of productions in the Film, TV, Theater and Live Events industries.

A full CV/resumé is available upon request. 


Giulia Cauti è una stylist e costumista.
Possiede un Visual Arts Master Degree in Costume Design presso la Royal Academy of Arts di Anversa, Belgio e ha frequentato il Fashion Institute of Technology di New York City, USA, laureandosi in Fashion Design. Ha esperienza nei settori di cinema, TV, teatro ed eventi live, e ha lavorato e vissuto in USA, Brasile e Italia. 

Un curriculum vitae completo è disponibile su richiesta. 

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